Fashion is all about comfort. And everyone must agree that fashion is a huge industry to talk about. Whether one is talking about the runway occasions or an upcoming designer looking for some exposure, once they start working with the skill, the detailing in the garment or the fashion accessory speaks for itself. Communication is the key for any idea, but a designer is the one who speaks through an illustration.

Right from rough sketches to the model walking on the ramp, it’s just another creative idea. Fashion isn’t about complicated things, it can be as simple as a pair of jeans, which can make the waist look several inches smaller and feel extremely comfortable with a little creativity.
Comfort is something everyone looks for, adding a little fashion to it would make one feel confident and one will be able to do what they want to do without worrying about how they look or how they should move. But, that doesn’t mean uncomfortable fashion doesn’t exist, it sure does. What is uncomfortable is ones choice. For me it is stilettos.
Try telling me they – stilettos – are comfortable. Just try! Like hell they are!!! But, Does it sell? You bet your sweet life it does. In fact, surveys have shown that women in heels feel more confident and attractive. I don’t believe that there is even a single woman who hasn’t suffered a little for style at some stage. I would prefer comfort over fashion, having said that, on every occasion I would only be wearing a track suit bottom and a hoodie combo! and that wouldn’t go well. I would like to say that i believe fashion and comfort can go hand in hand. And that’s what every designer works on!
Author Details:
Name: Ravali Koganti
Course: PG Diploma
Batch: F17